Embedded in the evergreen mantra of Reduce | Re-Use | Recyle, we, at Shukla E-Waste Processor strive to manage the electronic and electrical waste of the country. We are on a quest to inspire and conquer the hearts of our clients and foster the belief of a green and sustainable earth. We do this in multiple ways. We assist in setting up state-of-the-art, state-compliant waste collection and recyling centres. We also work towards building a strong community of responsible, aware and driven citizens who would be our ambassadors of a better tomorrow – who not only respond and participate in our drives and initiatives, but also actively lead waste management campaigns.


We, at Shukla E-Waste Processor, envision a greener world, where every member of the consumption change, be it the producer, the middle man, or the consumer, are conscientious and motivated enough to extract the maximum value from the resources they use, before choosing effective, efficient and eco-friendly recycling and disposal practices to discard their used items. We strive to establish error-free, clients-friendly networks, to ensure sustainable collection and channelization of e-waste for disposal.